What is the biggest feature of the iPhone 7 Plus?

3D images that will hold the next iPhone model? One indication that the Chinese are a few pictures leaked forum. And those new pictures published by the same features as the upcoming iPhone 7 Plus- indipenden Chinese forums have been published the only picture they are not sure, but with the "potential" to stop at Independent, make sure the iPhone has shown some say  Casing is a large camera slot, dual-lens camera, which is placed at the idea. The phone further enhance the camera, giving the advantage of holding the camera that features three-dimensional picture of the objective lens of the camera and +7 this can be found in just the iPhone or the iPhone 7. Mini model will also demand that no one is yet sure  ' Dual-lens 7 in the special editions will feature just the iPhone, the iPhone version of 7, plus some other features, and it would be without the report has been shown to have a handset like the iPhone 6, which edges a little Round and devices such as the iPhone 6 and 6 S could be seen at the back of the antenna lines.

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